Tag Archives: physiotherapy in dwarka

physiotherapy for diabetic patient

The Importance of Physiotherapy in Patients With Diabetes

Each year, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes increases significantly, and the process of monitoring patients requires the involvement of a complex team, made up of a nutritionist and diabetes specialist, psychologist, orthopedist, optometrist and physiotherapist in Dwarka, to ensure a quality of life as high as possible.

When the symptoms of diabetes are ignored, severe complications can arise such as: neuropathy, nephropathy, circulation problems, osteoporosis, skin infections or even loss of vision. If there is a diagnosis for this condition or if the patient is at high risk of developing it, physiotherapy is recommended, among other treatments.

Physiotherapy in Dwarka plays an extremely important role in the treatment of this disease, but also in its prevention.

It improves insulin efficiency, facilitates weight control, lowers blood pressure and, by default, the risk of cardiovascular disease, decreases stress and tension. In the case of diabetes, studies carried out among patients in Romania show that, out of the total number of people diagnosed, almost 15% suffer from foot ulcers and 3.6% suffer from amputations.

From prevention to treatment of complications, the whole process of managing diabetes is carefully supervised by physiotherapist in Delhi. Through various exercise programs, physiotherapy can help balance cholesterol and insulin levels. Each specific case is designed with a specific exercise program for strengthening muscles and circulation in certain problem areas, such as the legs. Musculoskeletal symptoms in patients with this condition are quite common, through manifestations such as diabetic amyotrophy – a type of neuropathy that prevents the normal use of the musculature. Sciatica or carpal syndrome are also side effects of diabetes. To improve the musculoskeletal and neurological functions,

Through physiotherapy, patients are helped to maintain their blood sugar control. Not only that, but regular exercise can reduce the need for medication, and some people even manage to control their body well enough to avoid insulin therapy.


Pains That Can Be Relieved With The Help Of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is part of allopathic medicine, with positive and noninvasive effects on many conditions. In the case of acute, painful episodes, the role of physiotherapy in Dwarka is to decrease the pain level by specific means such as electrotherapy, manual therapy, postures or massage.

Moreover, physiotherapy is one of the best and most effective methods of prevention, but also the recovery of a wide range of diseases, being entirely a natural method that has no adverse effects, thus not being risky for patients. The only condition is that it is properly applied by the approved physiotherapist in Dwarka.

The benefits of physiotherapy

  • Increases joint mobility and keeps them healthy for as long as possible. Physiotherapy has real vasodilatory and trophic effects, leading to increased joint mobility.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, being a very good method of prevention, but also of treating the existing inflammations following a trauma. In addition, it alleviates or reduces existing pain.
  • The physiotherapy procedures can have on the body a beneficial action of relaxation, leading to the reduction of insomnia and favoring sleep. They also reduce the level of stress in the body and combat mental and physical fatigue.
  • Reduces distressing symptoms such as muscle pain, inflammation, contracture, stimulates blood circulation and therefore stimulates cell repair, promotes lymphatic drainage, reduces functional deficiencies, improves scars and aesthetic stretch marks, tones muscle mass and skin, helps in anti-cell treatment and is adjuvant in various diets improves peripheral circulation, accelerates the healing of degenerative diseases, increases cellular metabolism.

When physiotherapy is indicated

  • Musculoskeletal pain, which is based on an inflammatory cause such as lumbalgia, cervicalgia, tendonitis, bursitis, sprains, carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Muscular atrophy, which occurs due to prolonged immobilization in bed: gypsum, orthosis or prolonged decubitus.
  • Neuralgia: sciatica, intercostal neuralgia.
  • Peripheral features such as facial resemblance, radial nerve resemblance.
  • Chronic degenerative rheumatism, spondylosis, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, osteoarthritis of the shoulder, peripheral osteoarthritis.
  • Lombosciatica, discopathy, disc herniation, sciatica.
  • Posture disorders such as kyphosis or scoliosis.
  • Chronic inflammatory rheumatism: arthritis, ankylosing spondylosis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, reactive arthritis.
  • Post-traumatic sequelae, following a sprain or fracture.
  • Neurological sequelae: resemblance, paralysis, sequelae after stroke (stroke), multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease.
  • Fatigue, stress, insomnia, agitation, depression.
  • Edema, fibrous, mixed cellulite.

In conclusion, it is advisable to remember that physiotherapy procedures speed up healing, relieve pain and stimulate the secretion of endorphins, all of which provide the patient with optimal health.


Techniques Used in physiotherapy

Who is the physiotherapist?

On many occasions the physiotherapist in Dwarka is identified with that person who is dedicated to giving massages to treat muscle ailments and injuries; However, physiotherapy is a profession, as stated by the WHO, covers a set of therapeutic techniques that go beyond massage therapy and muscle treatment. Physiotherapy is a multidisciplinary profession that can act in different fields of medicine, such as traumatology, neurology, pediatrics, cardiology, dermatology, geriatrics or mental health, which often makes it part of a team with other specialists within which it enjoys great independence and professional capacity. According to World Confederation for Physiotherapy (WCPT), the physiotherapist is qualified to:

  • Perform a comprehensive examination and evaluation of the patient.
  • Evaluate the results of the test or diagnosis and make clinical judgments.
  • Determine when patients should be referred to another health professional.
  • Implement an intervention or treatment program.
  • Determine the result of the treatment.
  • Make recommendations for self-care.

Physiotherapists work in hospitals, nursing homes, research centers or clinics, both in primary care and in specialized medicine; In addition, they can also exercise their profession freely in day centers, sports clubs, associations of patients, gyms or through home care.

Techniques used in physiotherapy

The techniques used in physiotherapy in Dwarka are multiple and varied, although a classification can be made according to the tools and means used.

Manual therapy

One of the main tools of physiotherapists are their own hands, so there are a number of techniques that can be included in manual therapy:

1. Massage therapy

It includes different massage techniques or modalities, such as therapeutic massage, sports massage, connective tissue massage or cryomassage (cold application) and techniques such as therapeutic manual lymphatic drainage or neuromuscular manual techniques.

2. Kinesitherapy

Healing method based on active or passive movements of the body or a part thereof. This is achieved by applying an external force that will produce a movement without the individual performing a voluntary muscular contraction. It is indicated in processes where joint mobility is compromised.

3. Orthopedic manual physiotherapy

It focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries (hip, shoulder or knee injuries and neck and back pain).

4. Manual methods of reeducation of postural behavior

It consists of performing stretching exercises, called postures , that take care of the joints and eliminate the discomfort derived from contractures and muscle blockages, spinal deformities (scoliosis) or sequelae of trauma.

5. Analytical stretching

Therapeutic maneuvers whose purpose is to stretch shortened soft tissue structures to increase the range of motion. This practice is indicated in muscle contractures, burns and scars or in prolonged immobilization.

6. Neurological physiotherapy

It is based on the set of therapies to treat nervous system conditions in order to educate or re-educate postural tone, synergies, and pathological neuromotor patterns. It is indicated in brain lesions (Parkinson’s), peripheral lesions (peripheral nerve paralysis), spinal cord injuries (spina bifida, multiple sclerosisALS) or childhood neurological syndromes.

7. Respiratory physiotherapy

It consists of the performance of a series of procedures for airway unobstructionrespiratory re-education, and re-adaptation to the effort with the aim of improving the functioning of the muscles of the respiratory system and the exchange of gases, as well as increasing resistance. Respiratory physiotherapy is recommended in cases of neuromuscular diseases such as dystrophies, multiple sclerosis or ALS, and also after surgical interventions.

8. Obstetric physiotherapy

It is a series of hypopressive myasthenic gymnastics exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor. Its name comes from the fact that the exercises are performed in hypopress, that is, by canceling the pressure exerted by the diaphragm and abdominal muscles on the pelvic floor muscles.

9. Functional bandage and neuromuscular bandage

The functional bandage consists of the application of elastic or inelastic adhesive strips whose objective is to limit the movements that affect the damaged structures without limiting other movements. The neuromuscular bandage is made through cotton tapes with an acrylic adhesive that sells the muscle from birth to insertion. The goal is to elevate the skin to increase subcutaneous space and thus help decrease fluid extravasation to reduce inflammation and pain.

10. Diacutaneous fibrolysis

Technique that involves the application of hooks on the skin to alleviate the discomfort caused by the destruction of adhesions of the membranes that surround the muscles, such as aponeurosis; The hook helps to attach and fix these structures. Each hook has a different size and curvature to adapt to the reliefs of the body.

physiotherapist in Dwarka

Physical agent therapy

The other type of tools used by physiotherapy specialists are those related to physical and natural agents :

1. Electrotherapy and ultrasonotherapy

They are techniques that consist of the application of electrical currents or ultrasound on certain parts of the body with the aim of enhancing neuromuscular action, improving trophism (development, nutrition, and maintenance of tissues) and acting as anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

2. Thermotherapy and cryotherapy

Therapeutic methods that use heat (thermotherapy) and cold (cryotherapy) to alleviate acute and chronic rheumatic pain and visceral cramps. Cryotherapy also serves as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic in lesions such as sprains, and also as a destructive method to treat skin tumors.

3. Hydrotherapy

Techniques that use water as a therapeutic method; include the Thalassotherapy (use of the medium and the marine climate) and hydrokinesitherapy (performing exercises in water). The hydrotherapy serves to reduce inflammation and pain, dilate blood vessels and relax muscles, besides having an antispasmodic effect.

4. Mechanotherapy and pressotherapy

Mechanotherapy refers to those treatments in which the use of mechanical devices is necessary, such as in patients with disabilities, patients in need of prostheses or orthotized children. The pressotherapy is carried out by means of a machine that makes a compressive massage through special legs that help expel excess fluid and improve circulation; It is indicated in the case of edema, varicose veins, and postphlebitic syndrome.

5. Magnetotherapy and phototherapy

Magnetotherapy consists in the development of a treatment through electromagnetic fields that acts to help eliminate contractures, it is antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Phototherapy is the treatment of injuries through the application of ultraviolet or infrared light; It is indicated in pathologies and skin diseases, such as acnepsoriasis, bedsores and physiological jaundice of the newborn.


Benefits of Physiotherapy

What is physiotherapy?

The definition of physiotherapy was established as the discipline was consolidated and professionalized. In 1958 the World Health Organization defined it as the science of treatment through physical means, therapeutic exercise, massage therapy, and electrotherapy. In addition, physiotherapy includes the application of electrical and manual tests to determine the value of muscle involvement and strength, tests to determine functional capacities, the amplitude of joint movement and measures of vital capacity, as well as diagnostic aids for the control of the evolution.

Subsequently, physiotherapy defined as art and science that, through the set of methods, actions, and techniques, through both manual and instrumental application of physical means, cure, recover and adapt to people affected by somatic, psychosomatic and organic dysfunctions. Physiotherapy also has a preventive nature and can be recommended to people who wish to maintain an adequate level of health. Therefore, physiotherapy could be defined as the healing method through natural means (water, light, electricity), or mechanics, such as massage or gymnastics.


Benefits of physiotherapy

The techniques, exercises, and methods used in physiotherapy in Dwarka intervene positively in the patient’s health in several ways. These are the main benefits of physiotherapy:

  • It helps to combat the symptoms of some pathologies: The techniques used act against pain and inflammation in muscle and joint injuries; It also helps fight some diseases, such as skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, and jaundice).
  • Prevents diseases and discomforts: Many of the exercises used by a physiotherapist in Delhi is intended to re-educate postural behaviors and improve the body in order to avoid future diseases and discomfort in people at risk due to certain factors, such as spinal deformities.
  • It helps to curb the effects of degenerative diseases: Physiotherapy is indicated, in many cases, to cushion and curb the impact of some effects caused by degenerative diseases and brain injuries, such as multiple sclerosis, ALS or Parkinson’s. Through techniques such as neurological physiotherapy, nervous system conditions related to postural tone and pathological neuromotor patterns can be treated, while respiratory physiology can combat respiratory system pathologies caused by degenerative diseases.
  • Strengthens the body: Strengthens muscle, bone, and joint structures, and facilitates the range of movements and flexibility, which helps prevent injuries and recover earlier in case of suffering; In addition, it enables the body to better tolerate exercise since, through some techniques such as those used in respiratory physiotherapy, resistance can be increased.
  • Increases well-being and quality of life: It is one of the main goals of physiotherapy. The professionals of this discipline are not only trained to diagnose, prevent and cure but the physiotherapist in Dwarka can also help modify environmental barriers in the workplace and domestic with the aim of facilitating access to all social activities possible.

What Exercises Are Good For Postpartum?

During pregnancy, the female pelvic floor undergoes many changes and pressures to which she is not accustomed. Therefore it is advisable to strengthen this area of ​​the woman’s body to reduce alterations.

In addition to exercising during pregnancy, it is also important to do it during postpartum to strengthen the muscles again after the great effort they have made and return to their normal state.

To readjust the pelvic floor and abdominal girdle, the most recommended exercises by a physiotherapist in Dwarka during this stage are the hypopressive abdominals. Those women who have performed specific exercises during pregnancy will have a much more adequate recovery, even though the pelvic floor must not be neglected and therefore it is advisable to continue exercising during the postpartum period. We must not forget that this type of exercise is contraindicated during the pregnancy stage.

hypopressive exercise

The Hipopresiva abdominal gymnastics, unlike traditional crunches, is more effective and helps strengthen the entire abdominal area without forgetting the pelvic floor. By performing this type of abdominals, it is possible to reduce the consequences that pregnancy has caused in the woman’s genitourinary tract and also the toning of the abdominal girdle.

These exercises will help the recent mother to avoid certain discomforts resulting from pregnancy and accelerate her recovery time so she can return to her usual life. The main objective is to recover the functions that this whole area developed before pregnancy.

The hypopressive technique also has other benefits not related to the pelvic floor, such as improving back problems, sports performance, among others. They are some exercises with some difficulty, and to carry them out in the correct way and to achieve the desired benefits it is recommended that they are practiced with professionals skilled in this type of technique.


Symptoms And Treatment of Muscle Tear

One of the muscle lesions that are most present in a physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka is muscle tearing or fibrillation. It is an injury that is not especially serious as long as it is treated properly and the advice of the physiotherapist in Dwarka is respected. Next, let’s see what it is about, the types of fiber breaks and what treatment to follow.

What is a muscle tear or fibrillary rupture?

The breakage of muscle fibers, also called muscle tearing, is a muscle injury where the fibers that make up the muscle are broken. The fibrillar rupture causes intense pain that forces the patient who suffers it to stop in physical activity since when contracting the muscle tension is generated in the injured area. When a muscle tear occurs, it is always preceded by acute and localizable pain. Patients who suffer from it often describe the pain as if they had received a stone, especially in the back of the leg, both in the “calf” and in the twin. Hence, fibrillar ruptures receive the name of “pedrada syndrome”.

Causes of fiber breakage

Muscle tearing, whether partial or total breakage of muscle fibers, is usually caused by a severe blow, a traumatic injury. It not only affects muscle fibers but also surrounding tissues such as connective tissue and blood vessels.

The main causes of muscle tears are:

  • Subject the muscles to very intense muscle fatigue. It occurs when physical activity exceeds the use of muscle.
  • The inactivity causes muscle fibers to weaken from lack of use.
  • As we said at the beginning, one of the most common causes is trauma, especially in contact sports.
  • Poor nutrition reduces the contractile capacity of muscle fibers.
  • The poor blood circulation makes the muscles do not receive the necessary input during exercise and that the waste substances are eliminated, causing poisoning of the muscle.
  • Some diseases such as diabetes.
  • Do not warm-up or stretch before doing sports.

Factors that determine the severity of muscle tear

The severity of muscle fiber breakage is determined by several factors:

  • Location of the break.
  • Tear size.
  • Morphology of the lesion.
  • Age of the patient.
  • Additional diseases.

Types of muscle fiber tears

As a general rule, muscle fiber tears are classified by the number of muscle fibers that are broken by the injury. Based on this, they can be:

  • Grade 1 or mild: When the lesion affects 5% of the muscle and slight discomfort is felt. The pain appears when moving and requires only rest for recovery. They are also known as fibrillar micromotors.
  • Grade 2 or medium: Here the pain is more intense and it is even normal for a lump to appear under the skin. The muscle has not completely broken but it is an injury that requires specific treatment.
  • Grade 3 or severe: The muscle has completely broken. It is accompanied by the appearance of a bruise due to the rupture of blood vessels. It is a serious injury in which you feel a sudden crunch, and then it cannot move you.

treatment of muscle tear

Recovery time of the fibrillar rupture

The recovery time of a muscle tear varies depending on several factors: the type and size of the rupture, the treatment that is followed and the characteristics of the patient such as weight, age, sex, etc.

In general, following an appropriate rehabilitation process, approximate recovery times vary between:

  • Grade 1: between 8 and 10 days.
  • Grade 2: 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Grade 3: between one and two months.

How to differentiate a muscle tear from a contracture?

These are two very similar muscle injuries that non-professionals can confuse, although they have clear differences. Both muscle tearing and contracture cause severe pain and an inability to continue physical activity. But knowing the differences will help us for the treatment.

The muscular contracture alters the natural process of the musculature based on relaxation and contraction, maintaining a constant contraction. There are stiffness and inflammation in the muscle, generating the sensation of having a balloon inside the muscle and remains for a while. The cause is usually a physical load above our physical capacity. The treatment is only a couple of days off. It can be considered as a warning prior to breakage, even some physiotherapist in Delhi include it as a degree of breakage.

As we have already seen, muscle tearing is a more serious injury than contracture because it causes the fibers to break, and the damage will depend on the number that they break. It is usually caused by trauma or a hasty movement. The treatment is more complex, as is the recovery time, which is longer.

What are the most common muscle tears

The muscle tears that occur most frequently among people are:

Hamstring muscle tear

It occurs in sports that require a hamstring contraction to decelerate sharply from a race. It is common in sports such as football and athletics.

Twin muscle tear

As we said before, it is known as “pedrada syndrome”. It is usually given especially in activities that require many jumps.

Rotator cuff muscle tear

The rotator cuff is a set of muscles that keep the head of the shoulder in the glenoid cavity of the scapula. It is usually given in efforts that require very repetitive movements.

Muscle tear in the back

It occurs in the lumbar paravertebral muscles to lift a weight from the floor since it is necessary to bend down and flex the knees, although when trying to lift a load by flexing the trunk, small muscles are forced along the spine.

Treatment for a muscle tear

The treatment that we must follow, will depend on the degree of rupture suffered by the patient, although there are a number of common guidelines for all.

  • From day 1 to 3: We will apply ice in the affected area, we will try to raise it and we will follow a total rest or as much as possible.
  • From day 4 to 7: For grades 1 and 2, we can start with painless isometric work, and in the case of grade 1 we can also do stretching and functional exercises. For grade 3, we will apply a muscle electrostimulation and make a compression bandage.
  • From day 7 to 14: For grade 1, we will gradually incorporate into our normal daily activities. For grade 2, we can do stretching and functional exercises. For grade 3, we can begin to move the area smoothly and we will massage to activate the area, we always perform by a physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka.
  • As of the third week: The grade 1 lesion has to be overcome. For grade 2, we will gradually incorporate it. For grade 3, we can remove the bandage and start stretching and painless isometric work. From here, if the patient responds favorably, we will incorporate the rest of the routine until we reach full recovery.

How to prevent muscle fiber breakage

As with any muscle injury, there are a number of guidelines that help us reduce the chances of suffering it. To prevent fiber breakage we must:

  • If we do a sport or intense physical activity, we must perform a good warm-up. We have to include all the muscles and joints. We will start from the head and we will go down until we reach the feet. The goal is to prepare the muscles to react quickly and correctly to the stimuli they will receive. Remember that it is also necessary to do stretching exercises.
  • Do not make an effort above our capacity. The musculature when fatigued does not respond equally to changes in direction nor is it able to react quickly to the stimuli they receive. It is important to listen and respect our body and give it time to recover.
  • We must not forget to drink water. With physical activity, many substances necessary for the body are lost, such as water and mineral salts. Drinking isotonic drinks is an excellent way to replenish all those lost substances.

In addition to hydration, it is important to maintain a good diet that covers the loss generated by physical activity. It needs to be balanced and cover all nutritional contributions.


Lesions of Muscle Physiotherapy

We want to dedicate this article to explain how muscular physiotherapy works. It is not about any particular branch but how physiotherapy treats muscle injuries. In today’s society, muscle injury is very present, so it has a great interest.

What is muscle physiotherapy?

Muscle physiotherapy in Dwarka takes care of all muscle problems and injuries, one of the most common areas of the physiotherapist’s work. Such is the importance that all professional teams have incorporated the figure of the physiotherapist in Dwarka into their organizational charts, even in many gyms.

Most important muscle injuries

There are many types of muscle injuries but we will see which are the most important, the ones that are seen most frequently in a physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka.


They are defined as that muscular and diffuse pain, which appears in the immediate 24-48 hours from the realization of an intense and/or prolonged exercise and affects the musculotendinous apparatus. Muscle joints and tendons near the joints are affected.

They are part of an adaptation process and the pain is due to the weakness of the muscle fiber, to the exercise being untrained or when an exercise other than usual is performed. Muscles work differently than usual and microroturas occur.

This process usually lasts 20 to 30 hours, and until 78h after the effort, the pain evolves and thereafter decreases until 7 days later.

To prevent stiffness we must adapt to training or new exercise gradually. In addition, good nutrition is essential to avoid them.

Muscle contracture

The contracture is an involuntary, lasting or permanent contraction of a muscle or group of them. It can occur when making an effort and among the most frequent symptoms, we find the bulging or inflammation of the area, pain, and alteration of the normal functioning of the muscle.

The reasons why we can have a contracture is:

  • If we carry out a continuous activity with an inadequate posture,
  • Force when doing an exercise,
  • Due to dehydration, lack of magnesium and potassium. Muscle fibers need water, glucose, sodium, potassium, and magnesium.
  • Emotional and psychological stress, such as anxiety and tension, can cause a series of reactions in the body that affect the nervous system causing stiff neck and muscle tension.


Muscle strain

Fibrillar rupture or fiber breakage, as the name implies, is the breakage of muscle fibers and is popularly known as “muscle tear.” This injury causes hemorrhage in the area due to the breakage of blood vessels that supply the muscle, inflammation and very intense pain.

Fiber breaks can be caused by a variety of factors such as trauma, excessive muscle exertion, poor pre-preparation at the time of physical activity, … among other things. It should be mentioned that, according to oriental medicine, the body may be predisposed to suffer this type of injury due to emotional factors.

In general, muscle tearing causes:

  • An intense pain, similar to a stab.
  • Swelling or edema
  • Loss of mobility, which is due to damage to the affected muscle
  • Sometimes a bruise or bruise.

The intensity and duration of these symptoms vary according to the severity of the fiber breakage (the longer the fibers involved, the longer the recovery time will have to wait).

Muscular cramp

Muscle cramps are contractions or sudden, involuntary spasms in one or more muscles. They usually occur after exercise or at night and last from a few seconds to several minutes. It is a very common muscle problem.

Muscle cramps can be caused by the malfunction of some nerves. Sometimes, this malfunction is due to a health problem, such as a spinal cord injury or a pinched nerve in the neck or back. Other causes are:

  • Strains or excess use of a muscle
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of minerals in the diet or wear of minerals in the body
  • Insufficient arrival of blood to the muscles

Cramps can be very painful. Stretching or gentle massage on the muscle can relieve pain.

Low back pain

The back pain is the most cause problems of absenteeism muscle injury since the age group where more is given is the range between 30 and 60 years.

The symptoms are strong pains in the lower back after physical activities or a sudden movement such as lifting something heavy. It is manifested by difficulty in moving that can walk or stand up, pain does not radiate through the leg, pain is usually dull, muscle spasms can be severe and the localized area is painful with palpation.

One of the most common causes of acute low back pain is the distention of a ligament or a back muscle. When lifting something heavy, twisting or making a sudden movement, it can cause a stretch of the muscles or ligaments or cause microscopic tears.

Muscle Contusion

It occurs when the muscle is struck against a structure, either by the collision with a partner or against a surface. They are very frequent in contact sports.

Fibrous crushing or muscle tearing may appear. As a clinical manifestation diffuse pain (stiffness), ecchymosis and functional impotence appear.

Muscle bruise

It is the bloodshed in the breast of the muscle, due to crushing of a vessel due to a bruise, rupture, tearing … Pressure pain appears, increased volume of the injured area, and hematoma after 24 to 48 hours.

These are the main injuries that are treated with muscle physiotherapy. As we see they are of the most varied, hence the importance that, as we mentioned at the beginning, has been taken. For any questions, you can consult a physiotherapist in Delhi.


Backache in the Office

Physical inactivity at work is often cited as one of the main causes of back pain. However, the cause of our pain is not always what we believe and it may be that the sitting position is not the cause of all our worries. Dr. Gholam Sarwar, a physiotherapist in Dwarka, suggests that you find out more about the back pain encountered in the office and gives you some tips to remedy it. Ready to move?

Back pain and sitting position: cause or aggravating factor?

In light of the latest scientific studies, it would seem that working in an office, and especially in a sitting position, does not specifically increase the risk of back injuries. Indeed, we will speak more of aggravating factors than of real cause. It would, therefore, be wrong to say that an office worker is more at risk of back pain than any other category of the population.

However, in case of back pain, it is obvious that maintaining a prolonged sitting position may worsen the situation.

Therefore, even if we do not talk about a cause, maintaining the sitting position remains the main problem when dealing with back pain in the office. After one hour of sitting work, muscle fatigue can be felt in the transverse muscle and the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen, two important stabilizing muscles of the back.

The prolonged sitting position has also been shown to exert pressure on the discs, which can cause the intervertebral discs to sag.

The essentials to have a healthy back at work

Move regularly

When working in a company, it is not always easy to adapt to your work station and sitting is often one of the only possibilities. If you have to work while sitting, consider moving and stimulating your structures and muscles. It is strongly recommended to take a break every hour in order to get up and stretch.

Adapt your work environment

It is important to alternate and vary the positions as much as possible (sitting, standing, squatting, etc.). The goal is to allow your body to change position several times during the day so as not to always stimulate the same structures. An adjustable workstation, which allows you to work both standing and seated, is the ideal solution. Meetings and other professional activities can also be conducted differently to keep you moving.

For example, meetings or conferences can be organized in a place that favors walking or that will allow the speaker and his listeners to move.

Choose a good position

In order to promote good back health, some advice on your sitting posture can be useful:

  • Press your lower back to your chair (use a towel or cushion to press your back).
  • Bend your knees.
  • Put your feet on the ground.
  • Keep your arms close to your body and press your forearms on the armrests of the chair to reduce the pressure on your back.

Office back pain and physiotherapy

Are you worried about your back pain? Do not hesitate to consult a physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka. Following the evaluation of his patient’s condition, the physiotherapist in Janakpuri will be able to determine the various issues involved. The evaluation will make it possible to verify whether or not the patient suffers from joint restrictions, loss of mobility, muscular weakness, etc.

The physiotherapy professional can then use certain manual therapy techniques at his physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka such as mobilizations, stretching techniques, and muscle relaxation techniques in order to resolve these problems. Both in terms of prevention and treatment, the best physiotherapist in Dwarka will advise on the patient’s position and ergonomics. He may also prescribe strengthening exercises that will limit the effects of muscle fatigue.

It is important to remember that patient education and awareness plays a central role in their healing. The patient will be able to become independent and carry out the small daily gestures himself which will improve his condition.


Fibromyalgia and chronic pain: improving one’s living condition through physiotherapy

Fibromyalgia is a common disease that affects approximately one in thirty Indians. This disease, particularly present in women, causes dysregulation of the pain mechanisms on a daily basis, giving rise to more or less intense episodes of pain and fatigue.

Physiotherapy can play an important role in the treatment of this disease, especially in improving the living conditions of people who have it.

Fibromyalgia: causes still unknown

Although fibromyalgia is a known disease, its causes have not yet been explained. This disease causes chronic muscle pain in people who have it, but there is no visible lesion in the muscles to understand them. However, certain plausible factors are currently taken into account by researchers:

  • physiological abnormalities of the nervous system;
  • genetic factors;
  • one or more periods of intense stress.

Everyday symptoms

If the causes of fibromyalgia are still not understood, the symptoms of this disease are well known.


Everyday fatigue, also called chronic fatigue, rises to the top of the list of symptoms. The person may suffer from a lack of sleep or feel that their sleep is not restful (feeling of tiredness upon waking). Persistent and intense pain also has a strong impact on fatigue.


Chronic pain is also an important symptom of this disease. There are two types of pain:

  • irregular and diffuse muscle pain that causes tension throughout the body, which can be accompanied by stiffness upon waking and pain when touched in certain places and sometimes even on the whole body. The neck and shoulders are usually the first painful spots, followed by the back, chest, arms, and legs;
  • constant pain that varies depending on the physical activity and emotional state of the individual.

Other symptoms

Other less characteristic symptoms may also be added. We then talk about headaches (migraines), anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bladder or even increased sense of acuity.

The benefits of physiotherapy on the daily life of people with fibromyalgia

To date, there is no treatment recognized as being 100% effective. However, it has been proven that an interdisciplinary approach and a strong involvement of the patient in his treatment prove to be very effective in combating the disease.

Therefore, physiotherapy in Dwarka can become a valuable ally to help the patient manage his pain and improve his situation. The physiotherapist in Dwarka works on different aspects:

  • the reduction of tensions;
  • improving endurance to daily activities (life and work);
  • resumption of physical activity;
  • the release of certain joints;
  • pain management.

Its objective is to give back control of his life (at the physical level) to the person affected.

So, to make a difference, a collaboration between the physiotherapy professional and his patient is crucial. The physiotherapist must understand the reality of the patient and try to define daily goals that can motivate him. The physiotherapist also suggests working to set simple goals that will allow the patient to quickly see results.

In addition, according to a physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka, the RPG approach is excellent for treating fibromyalgia since it makes it possible to make small differences in the daily lives of people with Alzheimer’s. This active approach allows the patient to become aware of the situation of his body in space while helping him to identify the movements that cause or intensify his pain. It is, therefore, easier for him to modify his posture and movements to reduce his pain, regain confidence and optimize his standard of living.

Since each case is different and there is no single treatment, the physiotherapist in Janakpuri may use different methods that take into account the physical capacity and emotional state of each individual. Here are some of the methods that can be used:

  • stretching of the muscle chains to reduce tension;
  • adapted physical training;
  • exercises to modify the perception of the body in space;
  • water exercises;
  • exercises to do at home to help you resume daily tasks and physical activity.

Have you noticed Back Pain lately?

There are many people who suffer from back pain during the day or at the end of it. This may be due to some pathology or due to bad gestures and postures in the activities that are carried out daily at work or during sport.

We have suffered back pain at some point and many times we do not know what causes it. The two most frequent types of pain are mechanical and inflammatory.

The data does not lie, and according to statistics, 80% of people have suffered or will suffer this pain at some time in their life, becoming in many cases chronic.

What are the causes of back pain?

There are many factors that affect and make back pain appear, from poor posture or improper choice of footwear to even psychological and emotional causes.

Despite this, it is almost always related to a vertebral or articular lesion due to spinal wear or osteoporosis. When a vertebral scoliosis occurs (the spine is curved sideways), very painful muscle contractures can arise.

Types of back pain that exist

Mechanical back pain: it is the most frequent pain, usually described as a throbbing pain, worsens with movement and is relieved by rest. Its cause is mostly a muscle strain or trauma, however, it is best to receive an accurate diagnosis by your traumatologist as soon as possible.

Some of its features are:

  • It can happen at any age
  • It is not usually accompanied by morning stiffness and if it does not exceed 30 minutes
  • Its most common cause is usually a trauma

Inflammatory back pain:  About 1 in 20 people with chronic back pain is usually of inflammatory origin. There are various diseases that can cause this inflammation and therefore the appearance of pain, some of them being quite complicated to diagnose.

It is very important to see a doctor as soon as this pain persists for a long time.

Some characteristics of inflammatory pain:

  • Appears before age 40
  • It has a gradual beginning
  • Pain improves with physical activity
  • The pain does not improve with rest
  • It usually makes you wake up at night
  • Morning stiffness of more than 30 minutes
  • Continued pain for more than 3 months
  • Alternation of pain in the buttocks

The importance of treating back pain on time

The most important thing to keep in mind to treat back ailments is to see a specialist as soon as possible, since, if it takes a long time to treat, the discomforts usually increase over time and once they are established they are difficult to reverse.

When acute back pain appears, it is usually treated first through analgesics and muscle relaxants.

Later, when the muscles have relaxed, physiotherapy treatment in Dwarka is applied to reduce pain and relieve discomfort. It is also recommended to exercise periodically to avoid the risk of pain.