Dr Sarwar Physiotherapy Clinic is located in New Delhi at 84A, Sector-6, Pocket-2 DDA Flats, Dwarka. Anyone who is suffering from Bone and Muscle problem can visit our physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka, Delhi in all the working day from Morning 10:00 Am to Evening 9:00 Pm. Serious cases are treated in the emergency anytime at our physiotherapy centre in Dwarka, Delhi. As the physiotherapy is the best healing treatment for ortho patients so the number of patients is growing for this treatment. By seeing this we offer you for your convenience a helpline to book an online appointment by visiting our website so that you don’t have to wait for long and get treated at earliest possible.
Dr. Gholam Sarwar
Dr. Gholam Sarwar, BPT, MPT-Ortho, Chiropractor, Sport PNF, IASTM, Cupping, Dry Needling, NDT, is...