Tag Archives: physiotherapist in Dwarka


What Are The Most Frequent Sports Injuries And How To Treat Them

If you are adept at sports, you are surely no stranger to sports injuries, but what are the most common? Depending on what type of physical activity we do, our body is more prone to suffering one type of trauma, be it bone muscle or another. From our physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka, our sports physiotherapy experts remind you that when practicing a sport the most important thing is safety: we must be aware of the limitations of our body and of the risks that physical activity entails for our body and our health.


Going for a run on steep terrain is not the same as, for example, playing squash, just as injuries caused during a paddle game or a game of football are not the same. Stay tuned for more and less dangerous common sports!

Sports injury ranking

If we had to make a ranking of sports according to their dangerousness, the first would undoubtedly be football, boxing or contact sports in general.

Also Cross Fit is among the most damaging sports, and due to the exercise of lifting weights above the head, herniated discs, shoulder and back injuries are especially frequent.

The safest sports to prevent sports injuries

If you want to learn to prevent sports injuries with more sports, we recommend practicing pilates or therapeutic swimming.

Pilates has become a multidisciplinary exercise that has enormous benefits for the joints and muscles. In its most therapeutic modality, our physiotherapist in Dwarka designs exercise tables directed according to age, level or pain, while individually supervising and correcting the work of each patient. For its part, therapeutic swimming is an ideal sport to prevent sports injuries since it does not put any pressure on the muscles and bones while strengthening them through movement without gravity.

In addition, at the physiotherapy centre in Dwarka we have a preventive physiotherapy service that will teach you how to strengthen your bones and muscles by evaluating muscle conditions, thus avoiding future bad gestures, improving the locomotor system and correcting posture.

Likewise, we are experts in sports physiotherapy and for this, we have launched a sports physiotherapy department where you will learn to improve your performance when practicing a sport and, in case of injury, you can heal and regenerate the damaged area to that you can return to normality in the shortest possible time.


As we mentioned earlier, there are certain types of injuries that are more frequent depending on which sport. Below we reveal which ones.

Types of knee injuries

Knee injuries are very normal in sports where you jump, run, and generally put most of the weight on these joints. For this reason, it is common to treat sprains, meniscus tears, cruciate ligaments, tendon tears or cartilage injuries to those who regularly practice sports such as soccer, basketball or racing.

Frequent muscle aches

Among the most frequent muscle aches are muscle tears, that is, deep fibrillary tears, muscle strains or back pain that can be caused by whiplash.

Also among the most common bone pain are ankle or wrist sprains or simple sprains


Preventing sports injuries is as easy as maintaining healthy sports habits and never exposing our body to excessive exercise. The first thing is, of course, to carry out sports warm-up exercises that cover not only the main areas exercised during sport, but we must also take into account the areas most susceptible to injuries such as the neck, wrists or ankles. In addition, in the end we always recommend executing a series of muscle stretches to avoid contractures or fiber breaks. In both cases, they should be run smoothly without straining the body too much.

The best treatments for sports injuries

Depending on your type of injury, at physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka, we offer you the most avant-garde machines, the most innovative exercises and, of course, the most experienced sports physiotherapist in Delhi so that your recovery is effective, fast and definitive.

rehabilitation of whiplash

How Can Physical Therapy Help In The Rehabilitation Of A Whiplash?

Whiplash, also called cervical pain or sprains, are muscle injuries produced in the neck area that can affect the spine. They are fairly common injuries and, although they can be chronic, they usually occur after a strong impact behind the neck, so it is very important to seek professional help to recover and not suffer possible sequelae that affect our mobility for life, what that makes physical therapy essential after whiplash.


We talk about whiplash or neck pain when the neck muscles suffer hyperextension or hyperflexion exceeding their limits of movement. As we have said, they usually occur after a sudden impact on the back of the neck, although they can be degenerative or chronic, causing progressive wear on the vertebrae, or of infectious origin after a disease such as meningitis or spondylitis.

It mainly affects muscles and tendons and its symptoms usually include dizziness, neck and back pain, headaches, cramps and ringing in the ears, among others.

The most common is neck and back pain

Since the injury is mainly concentrated in the neck and back, they are the two areas most likely to cause pain, although it is possible that these will not manifest after the first 24 or 48 hours after the injury. Whiplash also causes muscle contractures that cause joint movement limitation and difficulty in maintaining a straight posture, causing a postural change.

In more severe cases, pain can be caused by a breakdown of muscle fibers or ligaments due to hyperextension of the neck.

You may experience dizziness or cervical dizziness

If the injury has also affected the nerves, it is normal to feel tingling in the shoulder area and sometimes even the arms. Dizzying states, or dizziness, may also occur when the injury affects blood flow, or ringing in the ears, especially after impact.

Cervical rectification in more severe cases

As in all types of sprains, cervicalgia is divided into several types according to their intensity. In the most serious cases, there is usually a breakage and separation of the tissues, so it is possible that, after the resting time recommended by the doctor, our physiotherapist in Dwarka uses targeted electrotherapy, manual mobilization techniques, and postural exercises, among others. In no case should the orthosis -use of the collar- be prolonged for more than 72 hours as it can cause disuse atrophies and contractures of the soft parts of the back and neck.


If you feel neck pain and think that it is not due to a sudden movement in the neck, you may suffer from some degenerative, bacterial, inflammatory disease or, in most cases, postural tension. If so, we recommend you go to your physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka since it is possible to live without cervical discomfort.

Do you suffer from cervical contracture?

Exerting repetitive tension on the muscles or the force maintained in a short period of time causes the formation of neck contractures. These can lead to postural disorders or simply episodes of pain and mobile rigidity that require manual therapies for improvement.

Cervical exercises

Our specialists will evaluate your injury and recommend the best physical exercises to recover as soon as possible according to your needs, to correct a possible postural deviation and relieve pain. Combining manual therapies with cutting-edge technology, our experts will help you pave the way for your recovery.

Physiotherapy in Dwarka

At Dr. Sarwar Physiotheapy Center, we are experts in both manual and technological physiotherapy treatments and we always bet on cutting-edge techniques to optimize your rehabilitation.


Car accidents are the most frequent causes of cervicalgia because the injury usually occurs after a sudden impact behind the neck.

Go to the physiotherapist urgently

If this is your case, we recommend you go to your physiotherapist in Janakpuri immediately to alleviate possible muscle and joint damage and start recovery immediately to avoid possible sequelae.

Will I need a cervical collar?

Although you may need to wear a brace, remember that the orthosis will not last longer than 72 hours so as not to worsen postural changes.

Could I need sick leave?

Depending on the severity of the injury, it is very possible that you need a work leave of 15 to 90 days.


Physiotherapy Recovery of Partial Muscle Breaks

Partial muscle rupture can be defined by the breakdown of several muscle fibers accompanied by localized bleeding.

First aid in the case of muscular breaks:

  1. Any physical activity must be interrupted ;
  2. Applying cryotherapy to reduce pain and stop bleeding.


As a symptom, the lesion is accompanied by violent pain and the impossibility of the limb movement. In a more severe rupture, the formation of a depression in the muscles can be observed, which can be felt by touch, reaching a hematoma and inflammation of the area. Partial muscle breakdown can occur as a result of severe physical exertion or excessive stretching.


A partial muscle rupture should be analyzed by an orthopaedic in Dwarka, who can determine the severity of the trauma, based on the results of additional investigations (X-rays, ultrasound, MRI, ultrasound of soft parts), and depending on the severity of the injury can be applied a local treatment based on physiotherapy in Dwarka. In the case of partial muscle rupture, physiotherapy has the effect of recovering, improving and maintaining mobility, strength and muscle tone, reducing until the pain disappears so that the patient can resume normal daily activity.

Physiotherapy in Janakpuri can be applied in the partial muscular rupture having antiallergic effects (pain reduction), myorelaxant(muscle relaxation), decontracting, anti-inflammatory (elimination of muscle inflammation), anti-inflammatory (elimination of edema resulting from the accumulation of fluid from subcutaneous cellular tissue), by means of electrodynamic procedures of biodynamic, interferential, ultrasound, laser, and short waves.

Discovered and treated in time, the muscular rupture heals in a short time, the muscle tissue recovering faster than any other tissue. Generally, the patient can resume his activity within one, up to two weeks after the accident.


Simple Exercises To Relieve Mild Pain In The Neck And Cervical Area

A bad posture when sleeping, a sudden movement or spending hours reading or in front of the computer, with the fixed gaze and remaining static, are common causes of that annoying pain in the neck that causes real discomfort.

It is something that already happens that, in principle, should not be given too much importance, but if that pain is persistent, repeats frequently or appears just when we move, and not at rest, it could be a symptom of some pathology that would need a specific treatment. The physiotherapist in Dwarka explains that cervicalgia is one of the signs that could indicate cervical osteoarthritis.

How to ease the discomfort of poor posture

When it comes to simple pain, which is clearly the result of temporary muscle contracture or accumulated tension in the cervical area after a stressful day, the physiotherapist in Janakpuri advises a series of simple exercises that can greatly relieve the discomforts that arise when moving the neck, also managing to speed recovery so that the pain disappears as soon as possible and we recover our well-being.

When doing neck exercises, it is important to be in a comfortable position, better seated, with a straight back without straining it and maintaining, at all times, normal and fluid breathing. The experts also remember that it is normal to feel discomfort when starting the exercises, although, logically, that pain can never become unbearable and should decrease as the muscles adapt to the demand that we are demanding. If your neck hurts too much when doing the exercises, you should stop immediately.

If you’ve gotten up with torticollis, try sitting in a chair and then roll your neck to the right trying not to raise your shoulders. Hold the pose for a few seconds, and then make the turn to the opposite side. It is a simple movement, but doing it with the neck absolutely stiff is not so easy. The effectiveness lies in making the turn very slowly, to give time to both the cervical and the neck muscles, to gradually eliminate the accumulated tension and regain their normal position.

A second exercise consists of doing the same thing, but this time, slowly tilting the head forward and then repeating backward. In this case, the important thing is to avoid throwing the whole head (and half a trunk) forward.  Effective movement involves getting only the first vertebrae in your spine to move.

To complete the session, act in the same way, but now, turning your head laterally, so that it is those muscles on the sides of your neck that stretch slowly and little by little, you notice relief.


Physiotherapy in Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a heterogeneous disease, it does not affect two individuals in the same way, nor does it manifest itself with the same symptoms in some as in others. Furthermore, there is no correlation between evolution time and symptoms. Age plays a very important role, we will say that the later the appearance of the disease, the more benign its evolutionary course will be.

Olfactory capacity is reduced in the early stages. Non-motor symptoms limit more than motor processes, such as: difficulty in expressing yourself verbally, cognitive decline, depression.


These patients have lost automation, so it is important to them that they perform extensive, repetitive, rhythmic, and harmonic active movements.

We apply the following treatment to our patient, divided into two types of sessions:

JOINT SESSION: Group of four patients with severe involvement.

1. Breathing exercises: Breathing must be present throughout the session, so they are performed at the beginning, during the other exercises and at the end of the session. We promote diaphragmatic breathing through exercises.

2. Joint mobilization: They are carried out analytically, joint by joint, and we perform them in a sitting position:

  • Neck: flexion-extension, lateralization, and rotation.
  • Shoulder girdle: elevation and descent of the shoulders, antepulsion, and retropulsion of the shoulder, flexo-extension, and abduction-adduction of the shoulders.
  • Elbows: flexion-extension, prone supination.
  • Wrists: flexion-extension, ulnar and radial deviations, and circumduction movements.
  • Fingers: manual clamp and abduction-adduction.
  • Spine: flexion-extension, lateralization, and rotation.
  • Lower limbs: flexion-extension of the hips, flexo-extension of the knees, and dorsal and plantar flexion and prone supination of the ankles.

3. Coordination exercises: We work in a sitting position due to the impossibility of working standing with these specific patients. We perform ball tosses and exercises with alternating movements of legs and arms.

4. Basic cognitive session: The main objective is to improve the subject’s level of communication, as well as to stop mental deterioration as much as possible.

We carried out this work in collaboration with the psychologist, while each of the patients received individual physiotherapy in Dwarka.

Two cognitive techniques are distinguished inside and outside the sessions:

  • Orientation to reality: A continuous process is established where each interaction with the elderly is an opportunity to provide them with current and common information, introduce them to what is happening around them. You should always remember your name, where you are, events that have occurred recently.
  • Reminiscences and life review: Communication technique and activity that focuses on the intact memory or memories of the patient and constitutes a pleasant form of debate or talk. The term usually refers to the memory of events that occurred in a person’s life.

There seems to be a tendency to believe that regular (aerobic) physical exercise is beneficial. for patients with Parkinson’s disease, as it reduces symptoms such as hypokinesia, bradykinesia, gait disturbances, neuronal degeneration; being then recognized as a tool that helps treatment by medication.

INDIVIDUAL SESSION: This work session was directed to the needs of the “special”, let’s call them this specific patient.

1. Rehabilitative treatment of Dupuytren’s Disease: The exercise program consists of flexion and smooth passive and active extension of all the finger joints. Full flexo-extension movement patterns of all the fingers, including the thumb, and also the wrist were emphasized, as there is movement restriction at this level as well.

2. Upper limb passive and active-assisted mobilizations: We try to prevent, through passive and active-assisted mobilization, disuse atrophy of the right biceps brachii.

With physical therapy, we aim to preserve, and if possible, increase the mobility of the arm, trying at least functional movements for the life of the patient, such as shoulder flexion and abduction, and elbow flexion.

3. Techniques of motor unlocking: Only with the voice command and the mark of the steps by the physiotherapist in Dwarka simulating a military march, it served the patient to overcome the blockages when walking. At the end of the physiotherapy session, we accompanied the patient to the car that transported him to his home, carrying out this activity, thus speeding up the walk of the old man.


The Relationship of Physiotherapy And Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease defined as a chronic disease that appears when the pancreas does not create insulin, a substance necessary for humans. Due to the increase in diabetics, it is necessary to reflect on this.

There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2, while the first is characterized by the fact that the body is unable to create insulin or produces very little, so insulin must be administered and cannot be prevented. However, the second type does secrete insulin but not enough, and is related to being overweight and can be prevented with healthy habits.

How physiotherapy can help prevent diabetes

Physiotherapy can help prevent diabetes, since it is a moderate physical activity that forces the body to burn fat and toxins, that is, it is like playing sports at a low frequency. In this way, we can avoid or delay type 2 diabetes, but the physiotherapist in Dwarka must accompany the patient while doing personalized exercises.

On the other hand, people who have diabetes usually have other problems throughout their lives, as a consequence of the disease, for example, they suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis or neuropathies, they are usually pathologies palliated and treated with physiotherapeutic techniques. that greatly improve patient life.

It is important to remember that all this must be supervised by a professional, who gives us advice on healthy habits, a daily exercise chart that does not damage our joints or muscles and that we can achieve, and above all take into account the diet and eliminate bad habits like tobacco or alcohol.

How to perform a good warm-up that helps exercise?

Warm-up our muscles and joints are all those exercises or slight movements that we perform so that our body is prepared, like our mind, before large overexertion that we are going to perform. The goal of this is to prevent injuries.

This is done by all professional athletes since it is important for them to avoid problems that prevent them from practicing the sport, so even if you are a runner or volleyball player, you always have to warm up, to avoid injuries such as ligament rupture or problems such as sprains.

In a good warm-up, we must include different exercises. The first thing is joint movement, move all the joints that we are going to force while exercising and thus avoid breakage or sprains. Cardiovascular, it is necessary to activate the heart, with a career at small intensity will be more than enough, increasing our pulse is essential.

On the other hand, gentle stretching and if you can be moving, no static stretching, this way we prepare ligaments and body tissues. Relative movements especially in those parts of the body that you are going to use the most, such as shoulders or wrists, or perhaps ankle.

The objectives of warming are:

Prepare the muscles for intense sport, have active coordination, prepare the system in general and the group of muscles that we are going to use in particular, and above all it helps us to concentrate.

To do sports, to do sports well, it is necessary to concentrate. In the same way that to study we cannot start with the most complicated because we would not get to understand anything, with this the same thing happens, our body collapses, our mind becomes frustrated and in the end we abandon, so it is necessary to go slowly, increasing the intensity, for our mood and for our mental state.

To all this you have to contribute more factors, such as the age of the person, since, at older age, you will need more warming, in the same way, an overweight person will do sports at low intensity and will need help from a physiotherapist in Janakpuri to do their sports sessions and its warming, in this way it will prevent any type of injury.

For all these reasons, whether you are a professional athlete or not, I advise you to go to a professional, a physiotherapist who knows how to set the necessary warm-up guidelines to prevent injuries and that best adapt to the type of sport you do.


Sports Physiotherapy to improve your performance

Physiotherapy and sports have always gone hand in hand. Although sedentary life and bad postures do not help, this type of discipline, very regularly, is aimed at recovering and preventing injuries caused during the practice of some physical exercise. We can say that sports physiotherapy is a complement to our usual training to achieve the goals we set as athletes. The techniques used will be the same either in elite athletes or amateurs, and its main objective is to shorten the recovery time after the injury.


Sports physiotherapy focuses on preventing injuries caused during physical activity, as well as healing and regenerating damaged areas in the musculoskeletal system of athletes. It is much more than applying the anti-pull spray that we see during football matches since it is about knowing when it acts and how to alleviate the injury not only after it occurs but to prevent it from happening again in the future.

According to the basic definition of physiotherapy, we are talking about medical practices aimed at healing and preventing injuries in the motor apparatus, especially in the field of grassroots, amateur, health, high performance or elite sports. Preventive work consists of evaluating, improving and working on muscular conditions, especially the most problematic ones, avoiding future bad gestures and correcting loads. In case of injury, we take care of planning the workouts and preparing stretching exercises with guidelines according to the physical condition of the patient so that he recovers in the shortest time possible and in full functionality.

What kind of people sports physiotherapy is focused on?

Sports physiotherapy in Dwarka is aimed at all those who practice a sport on a regular basis, whether as amateur, high performance or elite.

Benefits of sports physiotherapy

First of all, we must distinguish between preventive sports physiotherapy and sports physiotherapy after an injury.

In the first case, these are the techniques that help the athlete improve their muscular capacity, improve posture, and avoid bad work habits to avoid bad movements or, in the event that they occur, have the body prepared to act before such eventuality. This type of preventive sports physiotherapy also helps to improve the elasticity of the muscles, which will lead to an increase in sports performance.

In the event of an injury during training or physical activity, we offer muscle reconstruction treatments, regeneration of the damaged area, as well as behavioral guidelines to facilitate faster recovery. We also work with stretching, strengthening and electricity and heat machinery to relieve pain and improve movement capacity.


There are manual treatments and specialized machinery that, supervised by our physiotherapist in Dwarka, will help you recover from your injury in the shortest possible time.

Sports physiotherapy treatments

Prevention treatments include a close monitoring of the patient’s sports activity as well as the state of his muscles. The treatment varies if practiced before or after physical activity, although both therapies are necessary to optimize the muscular state of the athlete.

In case of injury, rehabilitation work is required for athletes that includes a multidisciplinary follow-up in which not only physiotherapists are included but also in most cases a traumatologist, a nutritionist, physical trainers, and psychologists are needed, among others.

Main techniques of sports rehabilitation

If you have arrived here, you will know that physiotherapy in Delhi not only focuses on manual work but that there are also machines at our disposal to accelerate the muscle recovery process.

The most common machines used in sports physiotherapy

Biomechanics is a science that diagnoses the different pathologies of the motor apparatus and combines biological knowledge with physiotherapeutic treatments whose combination makes possible a unique and compatible improvement with the athlete and his physiognomy.


If you are looking for a physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka, look no further. We have the best professionals and specialists in sports physiotherapy in the capital.


Physiotherapy Against Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis presents as a common bone disease that especially affects women after the arrival of menopause. In recent years, these parameters are changing, expanding the profile and the number of cases that are recorded.

This degenerative and disabling process refers to the loss of bone density, something that occurs naturally after age 35; a turning point for our bones. However, this pathology precipitates such decalcification, producing a decrease in bone mass prematurely, with important consequences for those who suffer from it.

Recent studies are related to the physical impact of the number of hours currently, and from an early age, we invest in front of the screens. According to data, its appearance is increasingly frequent at younger ages, which comes to question our current system of life.

Osteoporosis today is a serious chronic problem that occurs silently, since it remains over time without obvious symptoms until an event, usually a fracture, reveals the fragility of the bones; that is, once the disease is established.

Among the causes that develop this type of pathologies are: eating disorders, diabetes, hypothyroidism, the use of certain medications for a long time, a diet low in calcium, suffering from long-term immobilizations, smoking or a decrease in hormones, as in the case of menopause.

Benefits of physiotherapy in Dwarka

Osteoporosis generates a loss of autonomy and quality of life in the patient, so diagnosing and treating it early is essential, something that, due to the characteristics of the disease itself, is not easy. Tests such as radiographs, analysis, examinations or densitometry are usually common, a test in which the state of bone mineral mass is analyzed. Based on this, the degree of incidence of the disease is established, and that is when the treatment itself is organized.

Despite the negative effects, there are different options to maintain, preserve and even improve the quality of our bones. In this way, it will be convenient to change certain habits, especially food habits, enriching, for example, our diet with calcium and vitamins.

Physiotherapy in Dwarka also acquires a great role in this process. It will be essential when recovering the patient’s general activity but also favoring bone tissue density. In this sense, it has effective tools, such as therapeutic exercise that, adapted to each case, helps the mineralization of bones by muscle traction. Here, the physiotherapist in Dwarka is fundamental; since thanks to his advice and follow-up, he will prevent the patient from experiencing any negative effect on the performance of the activities, taking advantage of only its benefits.

One technique that is also reaping good results is magnetotherapy, a low-risk non-invasive tool that uses high and low-frequency magnetic fields, and which in this case seems to help bone recalcification and calcium fixation. Despite its low incidence, certain precautions should be maintained.

In the fight against osteoporosis, the key is prevention. Only through proper living habits, regular physical exercise or a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, we can keep our bones in top shape, avoid the negative effects of this pathology and ensure healthy aging as much as possible.


Physiotherapy vs Osteopathy – What Helps?

Physiotherapy vs Osteopathy – What Helps?

Osteopathy is not osteoporosis. “Osteon” is the Greek word for tissue and “pathos” suffering. There are some similarities between osteopathy and physiotherapy, but also many differences.

Osteopathy and physiotherapy: some similarities and yet so different. We explain how osteopaths work, what makes good physiotherapists in Delhi and how our patients benefit.

This is how an osteopath works and thinks

Osteopathy is a manual application. Osteopaths do not use instruments but examine and treat the patient with their bare hands. By palpation and certain tests, functional disorders in different structures of the body are searched for and treated directly. Osteopathy views the body as a unit. Three major areas are interdependent and mutually influencing.

Parietal osteopathy: includes the treatment of fascia, bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. For example, joint blockages on the spine and pelvis are treated and tension in the tissue is released.

Visceral osteopathy: includes the treatment of all internal organs, their connective tissue suspension as well as the relationship between the organs and their connections to the parietal system. On the one hand, there may be loss of movement in the organ itself (e.g. constipation) or affected organs may cause complaints to the spine and neighbouring joints, or vice versa. Direct or indirect techniques on the organs loosen adhesions and improve mobility and circulation.

Craniosacral osteopathy: includes the treatment of the skull and sacrum, which are connected to each other by the covering of the spinal cord. Disorders in this system can have a major impact on the lymphatic system, nerve control and blood flow. The osteopath uses very fine techniques to influence the rhythmic pulsation of the brain spinal fluid.

The 3 areas are closely connected. Therefore, the cause of the complaints is often not where the symptoms are perceived. An osteopath therefore wants to find out which compensation patterns the body has appropriated in order to be able to optimally and holistically treat the cause and the subsequent chains.

This is how a physiotherapist works and thinks

After visiting us at the physiotherapy centre in Dwarka, you will surely know a little about our work as physiotherapists. Physiotherapists want to help their patients improve their quality of life. In the examination, they find the cause of pain and loss of movement and help where movement is no longer possible, and pain complicates the everyday life of those affected.

Our physiotherapist in Dwarka also treat in the parietal system. Tendons, fasciae, ligaments, bones, joints and muscles – we physiotherapists are specialists in the musculoskeletal system. In a way, physiotherapists also deal with the visceral system: heart and blood vessels, lungs and lymph. However, physiotherapists treat these organ systems differently than osteopaths. For example, cardiac or pulmonary function is improved with active training or chest mobilization, and lymphatic drainage stimulates the vessels.

In addition to treating the parietal system with manual therapy or device-supported therapy such as shock wave treatment, one thing counts for us physiotherapists: activity! With active therapy, we support our patients on their way back to an eventful life and thus help people to help themselves. Whether medical training therapy in our practice or exercises without devices as a home program – the possibilities are versatile and are individually adapted to the patient.

How do our patients benefit?

Some of our physiotherapists are training in the field of osteopathy. The holistic approach and certain manual treatment techniques from the field of osteopathy naturally flow into the passive treatment. The knowledge of the importance of active therapy and the possibilities that our well-equipped physiotherapy centers bring with them, however, fundamentally differentiate our therapists from osteopaths or osteopathic practices. Our patients also benefit from device-supported therapy methods such as ultrasound or shock waves, the latest training equipment and highly trained physiotherapists who accompany them on their way back to exercise and sport.


physiotherapy for diabetic patient

The Importance of Physiotherapy in Patients With Diabetes

Each year, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes increases significantly, and the process of monitoring patients requires the involvement of a complex team, made up of a nutritionist and diabetes specialist, psychologist, orthopedist, optometrist and physiotherapist in Dwarka, to ensure a quality of life as high as possible.

When the symptoms of diabetes are ignored, severe complications can arise such as: neuropathy, nephropathy, circulation problems, osteoporosis, skin infections or even loss of vision. If there is a diagnosis for this condition or if the patient is at high risk of developing it, physiotherapy is recommended, among other treatments.

Physiotherapy in Dwarka plays an extremely important role in the treatment of this disease, but also in its prevention.

It improves insulin efficiency, facilitates weight control, lowers blood pressure and, by default, the risk of cardiovascular disease, decreases stress and tension. In the case of diabetes, studies carried out among patients in Romania show that, out of the total number of people diagnosed, almost 15% suffer from foot ulcers and 3.6% suffer from amputations.

From prevention to treatment of complications, the whole process of managing diabetes is carefully supervised by physiotherapist in Delhi. Through various exercise programs, physiotherapy can help balance cholesterol and insulin levels. Each specific case is designed with a specific exercise program for strengthening muscles and circulation in certain problem areas, such as the legs. Musculoskeletal symptoms in patients with this condition are quite common, through manifestations such as diabetic amyotrophy – a type of neuropathy that prevents the normal use of the musculature. Sciatica or carpal syndrome are also side effects of diabetes. To improve the musculoskeletal and neurological functions,

Through physiotherapy, patients are helped to maintain their blood sugar control. Not only that, but regular exercise can reduce the need for medication, and some people even manage to control their body well enough to avoid insulin therapy.