March 23, 2020

Physiotherapy Recovery of Partial Muscle Breaks

Partial muscle rupture can be defined by the breakdown of several muscle fibers accompanied by localized bleeding.

First aid in the case of muscular breaks:

  1. Any physical activity must be interrupted ;
  2. Applying cryotherapy to reduce pain and stop bleeding.


As a symptom, the lesion is accompanied by violent pain and the impossibility of the limb movement. In a more severe rupture, the formation of a depression in the muscles can be observed, which can be felt by touch, reaching a hematoma and inflammation of the area. Partial muscle breakdown can occur as a result of severe physical exertion or excessive stretching.


A partial muscle rupture should be analyzed by an orthopaedic in Dwarka, who can determine the severity of the trauma, based on the results of additional investigations (X-rays, ultrasound, MRI, ultrasound of soft parts), and depending on the severity of the injury can be applied a local treatment based on physiotherapy in Dwarka. In the case of partial muscle rupture, physiotherapy has the effect of recovering, improving and maintaining mobility, strength and muscle tone, reducing until the pain disappears so that the patient can resume normal daily activity.

Physiotherapy in Janakpuri can be applied in the partial muscular rupture having antiallergic effects (pain reduction), myorelaxant(muscle relaxation), decontracting, anti-inflammatory (elimination of muscle inflammation), anti-inflammatory (elimination of edema resulting from the accumulation of fluid from subcutaneous cellular tissue), by means of electrodynamic procedures of biodynamic, interferential, ultrasound, laser, and short waves.

Discovered and treated in time, the muscular rupture heals in a short time, the muscle tissue recovering faster than any other tissue. Generally, the patient can resume his activity within one, up to two weeks after the accident.