Tag Archives: physiotherapy

physiotherapy in pregnancy

Therapeutic Exercise In Pregnancy

Today, many women attend childbirth classes, physiotherapy or exercise groups for pregnant women. Do you want to know what therapeutic exercise for pregnant women really is? What does it consist of and when can it be done? Then keep reading this post and we will tell you.

The first thing we want to clarify is that we are always going to talk about therapeutic exercise (whether during pregnancy, postpartum or in any other area), since it is what we, as physiotherapists in Dwarka, carry out in our clinic. In a very brief way and without going into details, the difference is that our objective is to prevent and/or improve pathologies or injuries; that is, it always has an approach from the field of health, taking into account possible contraindications and adapting the exercise to posture, biomechanics, injury, ailment, etc. that each patient presents.

Returning to pregnancy, there are more and more studies that deny that pregnant women should avoid physical exercise because it could put the baby at risk. Well, today we know that this is not the case at all, and in fact, it is more than recommended that pregnant women maintain an active life, as long as there is no contraindication for it.

And that is precisely what therapeutic exercise for pregnant women is about. Its main objective is to keep the body in the best possible condition at a time when it is going through so many changes. In addition, it seeks to prepare the different tissues for the moment of delivery, and thus avoid possible complications or sequelae. Another very important point in these groups is postural correction and relaxation of the different joints and muscles, always with care, since laxity is increased at this stage.

And how is this achieved?

At Dr Sarwar Physiotherapy Center in Dwarka, we have brought together our knowledge of anatomy, different training methods and musculoskeletal techniques to develop a complete program of therapeutic exercise in pregnancy. Throughout the sessions, we will work on different aspects so that pregnancy and childbirth are carried out in the best possible way.

How do we do it?

  • Initial assessment of each patient, to know what each member of the group needs.
  • 1h classes, you can choose between 1 or 2 sessions/week.
  • Small groups (maximum 5 people).
  • Individualized exercises are controlled at all times by a physiotherapist.

Class structure:

  • Heating.
  • Strength exercises give special importance to the transverse and pelvic floor.
  • Flexibility and joint mobility exercises are important to favour the baby’s positioning for childbirth and prepare our body for that moment.
  • Postural exercises, including therapeutic pilates exercises.
  • Stretching and relaxation techniques.

When can I start?

Because it is a preventive program, it should be started as soon as possible, after the first 3 months, which are the highest risk for the embryo. In general, this type of exercise is usually started between the 14th and 16th week of gestation, at which time the fetus is already developed (although it continues to grow) and in which there is still time to prevent neck pain. back and other disorders.

What will it help me with?

  • improve posture
  • Prevent and/or relieve pain associated with pregnancy.
  • Make the pelvic joints more flexible to favour their opening in childbirth, and tone and elasticize the pelvic floor.
  • Provide relaxation and breathing techniques useful during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Share time with women in the same state as you and share concerns and experiences.

Am I a candidate to join a group?

This program, as its name suggests, is intended for any woman who is expecting a baby. As with any training method, there are a number of contraindications. The most important thing is that you pay attention to your gynaecologist if she gives you rest for any reason.

If you have doubts, you can consult a physiotherapist in Dwarka without any problem and we will tell you if it is contraindicated in your case or not.

Now there is no excuse not to keep your pregnant body active and, at the same time, enjoy the process of preparing for childbirth. If you do, you will notice the difference, we assure you.


Cerebral Vascular Attack – Stroke

Stroke is an infarction of the brain, in which ischemia or hemorrhage leads to interruption of function. It is characterized by a localized neurological deficit (hemiparesis, hemiplegia), suddenly installed. It is little known that it is possible to experience a stroke without the patient knowing it. Stroke can occur during sleep, and a lack of severity and minor symptoms will not interfere with it. At the time of awakening, however, the patient may present a confused state, the inability to express himself correctly, difficulties in using afoot, the feeling of weakness in the arm, double or partial vision.


The morning symptoms depend largely on the degree of severity and the part of the brain affected by stroke. The symptoms of stroke can occur as a result of interest:

  1. anterior cerebral circulation comprising:
    • the carotid artery and its main branches
    • anterior and middle cerebral arteries
  1. posterior cerebral circulation comprising:
    • vertebrobasilar arteries
    • posterior cerebral arteries

Knowing the symptoms of a stroke (even in the case of a minor stroke) is essential in preventing the spread of brain damage. Specialized medical care is critical, especially when the stroke is caused by a blood clot.

Almost 80% of strokes occur in the carotid distribution territory and consist of decreased muscle strength of one part of the body, affecting the face, arm or leg in any combination. Stroke that occurs in the territory of the posterior circulation (stroke at the base of the brain) is the result of thrombosis and occlusion of small penetrating arterioles that detach directly from the vertebrobasilar arteries. The clinical picture of this stroke is more complex, due to important neurophysiological structures arranged compactly at the base of the brain compared to the cerebral hemispheres.

Types of Strokes

Etiologically, stroke is divided into four broad categories (the first two are more frequent and the others rarer):

  1. cerebral ischemia
  2. intracranial hemorrhages
  3. cerebral vascular malformations
  4. cerebral thrombophlebitis


Stroke recovery involves using:

  • compensatory techniques for mobility (physiotherapy, massage)
  • daily activities / ADL (Activities of Daily Living)
  • communication

The recovery of the hospitalized patient is a sample that allows the patient to demonstrate his candidacy for immediate recovery after acute stroke. The limited prognosis of a stroke to recover is conferred by the following elements:

  • severe memory problems
  • inability to understand orders
  • medical/surgical instability
  • Stroke in the background
  • urinary incontinence / fecal matter
  • visual space deficits

Stroke is a common occurrence, and recovery is a complex process. Even if the functional deficiencies appear to be identical the patients react individually. As a result, the recovery program is tailored to the case. More important than the motor deficits are the cognitive aspects, affected by stroke. The recovery of patients after the stroke starts in the acute phase of the care given to them.

The therapeutic intervention performed in a timely manner presents the following advantages:

  • increases the recovery potential
  • prevents problems due to immobilization
back pain treatment

Back Pain: Take Care of Your Back According to the Seasons

For a large part of the population, each season brings its share of tasks to maintain, including, his house and his land.

Even though these physical activities seem commonplace, they can cause various muscle problems and cause back pain that could affect the performance of daily tasks.

Back pain according to the seasons: what are the risks of injury?

According to physiotherapist in Dwarka there are likely, during the year, times when the back is more solicited.

Take, for example, the winter period, when the appearance of patches of ice and snow coincides with an increase in injuries. In the fall, it is rather the collection of leaves that puts the muscles of the back to the test. During the spring and summer, activities associated with yard preparation, such as gardening or do-it-yourself, can involve adverse movements to the spine. 

The most common causes of injury are:

  • inadequate sitting postures;
  • the lifting of objects in full flexion;
  • repetitive efforts;
  • physical efforts poorly executed.

Taking care of your back: simple actions to prevent injuries

As trivial as they may seem, your physical efforts deserve special attention. Remember these tips:

Exercise preparation: simple actions to prevent back injuries

  • Give yourself a long time. Divide the work over a few days or even weeks.
  • Split the effort and diversify your tasks: work in small sections to combine several short works.
  • Take several breaks during and between jobs.
  • Do not overestimate your body. Avoid heavy loads and sudden movements.
  • Use the right tools with sleeves long enough not to work bent.
  • Flex your hips and knees and take supports when necessary.

Physical activity in general and healthy lifestyle habits help a lot to prevent injuries. Physiotherapy can also help prevent them by teaching ergonomic strategies for posture and proper lifting of loads.

How does the physiotherapist treat back injuries?

Even if you are extremely cautious and work properly, there is always the risk of injury. Thus, the physiotherapist’s main role in the event of a back injury is:

  • to decrease inflammation;
  • to shorten the period of incapacity;
  • improve muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance;
  • reduce the risk of reoffending;
  • perform muscle reprogramming by teaching proper movement patterns and ergonomics.

The physiotherapist in Janakpuri will offer, among other things, a series of dynamic exercises to change the way muscles coordinate in this area of ​​the body. He will accompany the patient in this process while teaching him the importance of his own collaboration to maintain the gains achieved in treatment.


Most frequent shoulder sports injuries

Understanding by shoulder the set of joints that combine tendons and muscles that give the movement of the arm, we find several injuries among athletes in this area of ​​the body.

All injuries of the shoulder joint complex can be grouped into 4 categories: fracture, osteoarthritis, instability, and inflammation of the tendon. Among these large groups, the most frequent injuries among people who practice sports either amateur or professional are:

  • Shoulder tendinitis. For an involvement of the infraspinatus and supraspinatus tendon, which may be due to overexertion or trauma. The main symptom that appears is a loss of mobility along with acute pain.
  • Swimmer ‘s shoulder. It is due to subacromial impingement syndrome, it is mainly related to the practice of crol. Its causes are due to high training frequencies, poor technique, repetitive movements, among others.
  • Rotator cuff tear. As the name implies, it occurs when a tendon or more of those that form the rotator cuff suffer a rupture, either partial or total. Its symptoms are similar to shoulder tendinopathy, suffering from weakness in the arm, deep pain and hindering tasks that cause movement of the shoulder.
  • Broken collarbone. This injury is usually caused by a fall in sports such as snowboarding, skateboarding, cycling …

In order to treat these injuries, it is important to apply ice to the area, perform a rest period that will be different depending on the person and the type of injury and perform a compression with a bandage. After the rest period, it will be very important to perform light exercise to start returning to the sports routine.

The sports physiotherapist in Dwarka can help in the diagnosis and treatment of these types of injuries and can also reduce the risk of suffering them.

Hijama-therapy in Delhi

Benefits of Cupping (Hijama)

Cupping (Hijama Therapy) is an ancient medical method that has been used for many diseases and is currently used as part of alternative medicine.

Cupping is based on suction by using cups on the positions of pain either using the joints of the output of the rotten blood and so-called wet cupping or without the parchment and so-called Cupping dry.

Benefits of cupping

  • Activate blood circulation and smooth the arteries and veins.
  • Activate hair regrowth.
  • Enclose power paths.
  • Strengthen the body’s immune system.
  • Activation of the organs of the brain, movement, speech, hearing, perception, and memory.
  • Absorption of toxins and the effects of drugs from the body.
  • Treatment of blood pressure.
  • Treat headaches of all kinds.
  • Treatment of depression and stress.
  • Treatment of diabetes, obesity, and thinness.
  • Energizing different body organs.

Conditions of cupping



There is a difference in many practices before cupping, and depending on the reason for which cupping was conducted and based on scientific grounds, cupping was divided into the following:

Cupping therapy

  • It is not required that the complainant is fasting but it is advisable to refrain from eating for two to three hours before cupping.
  • Good at any time of the day.

Cupping preventive

  • Be a buffoon fasting.
  • Preferably in the morning to increase the proportion of natural cortisone in the body in the morning.
  • It is preferable not to do ghusl before cupping.
  • It is not recommended to perform cupping on a very cold night.

During the Cupping Process:

  • The protagonist must be calm and relaxed.
  • It is preferable to eat any juice or sugar drink at the end of cupping.
  • The assailant should inform the person who is performing the cupping in case of nausea or dizziness.

Places of Cupping:

There are of course scientific foundations to determine the location of cupping appropriate depending on the circumstances of each case and place of pain, including:

  • Work on power lines in the body.
  • Work on nerve positions for reactions.
  • Works on the lymph nodes.
  • Benefits of cupping for women:
  • Balance the work of hormones in the body.
  • Strengthens your immune system.
  • Described for sciatica and gout.
  • Treats rheumatism and neck and shoulder pain.

Benefits of cupping for men:

  • Increase hair density and strengthen follicles.
  • Eliminate muscle tension by stimulating lactin.
  • Cupping is an effective treatment for smokers; it detoxifies the body.
  • Cupping has a great effect on the sexual ability of the man as it activates blood circulation.



Muscle pain management at home: how physical therapists can help

Pain is a subjective and personal unpleasant experience and lacks a lot of evaluation experts to establish the most effective therapy for the patient. Already the painful sensation of muscle pain is caused by chronic inflammation of the region or acute manifestations resulting from trauma.

Knowing the complexity of this treatment and the possibility of encountering this situation in home environments, physiotherapist doctor in Dwarka must understand the related pathophysiological processes and the most commonly used therapies.

So if you want to know how to manage the pain of muscular origin in homecare regimen, stay here and understand more!

muscle pain management in dwarka

Carefully evaluate the patient’s muscle injury

When facing muscle pain, a patient who is in-home care, you must be careful. This is because the diagnostic methods are just the touch and reporting of the affected regions, which in itself is a limitation.

Then it is important to get the information about the onset of symptoms, intensity, degree of discomfort and is related to domestic falls or other incidents.

Analyze the contributing factors of pain sensation

Muscle pain is a manifestation that simultaneously generates feelings of fear, nervousness, lack of patience and others that must be weighed. However, these emotions also mask other important factors.

Therefore, it is advisable that the physiotherapist check for objects that are worsening the pain sensation in the affected area, if the patient’s diet contains a substance with inflammatory and even if caregivers are performing the exercises correctly in patients.

Thus, in addition to the used furniture and accessories (bed, shower chair, crutches, armrests, etc.) it is necessary to observe the clothes that the patient uses, whether he is staying very much in a position, if the accessories used in locomotion or hygiene they are too worn, among other variables.

Propose interventions gradually

The patient who is with muscle pain feels anxious for the elimination of this discomfort and uneasy about the intervention because he fears the worsening of symptoms.

Thus it is interesting to start with gradual techniques relating to muscle relaxation, elimination or reduction of us in the muscles to further establish deeper therapies.

This ensures a therapeutic relationship based on trust, and more adherence to treatment, enabling reduction or elimination of significant reported soreness initially.

However, it is important to educate the patient about the possibility of becoming chronic pain due to established pathophysiological process and in these situations, the physical therapy exercises lessen this problem, but can not eliminate it completely.

Muscle pain is an unpleasant sensation that affects patients after a joint disease or general trauma. The evaluation of this symptom in the home environment should include the main characteristics of the patient, emotionally involved and techniques used. Also, it is crucial that interventions gradually to avoid medical complications.