Tag Archives: hamstring injury


The Hamstring Lesion

The hamstring injury is characterized by severe pain in the back of the thigh. It is a very common injury in athletes who usually suffer from breaks in the femoral biceps.

What are the Hamstrings?

The hamstrings are a group of three muscles that run down the back of the thigh, originating in the ischium (one of the bones of the hip) and inserted into the tibia and fibula. It is a muscular group of great tendinous force which makes it a perfect candidate to suffer ruptures and tendinopathies.


The injuries of the muscles of the posterior thigh region appear within the group of the most prevalent.

In its concentric movement, the hamstrings act as extensions of the hip (assisting the gluteus in its function) and knee flexors.

Causes of a hamstring injury

  • A strong impact or fatigue are the main causes of the injury of hamstrings however there are other reasons that give rise to this injury such as sports that require a great effort of muscular hyperextension as is the case of football, martial arts, basketball, …
  • Excess weight coupled with a lack of activity can cause the person to have to make an effort (crossing the street with the red light, leaving behind the bus, …) the hamstring injury takes place.
  • Cold weather favors this injury as does dehydration.
  • If we have a lesion in the biceps femoris, that can generate a hamstring injury. The injury can start from a small break in the femoral biceps; when the break appears to be completely healed (healed), the adjacent muscle fibers are broken, and with the healing of these, a new break of the adjacent fibers ensues, and so on. It is known as a rack-and-pinion injury.

Treatment of hamstring injury

In the first place when we suffer a muscular injury physiotherapist in Dwarka suggests to apply what is known as the RICE protocol:

Rest: We leave the activity immediately and rest the affected area.

Ice: We apply ice on the affected muscle area.

Compression: We put a compression bandage to avoid the increase in swelling.

Elevation: We will place the affected muscle in an elevated position to avoid the accumulation of fluid and its consequent hematoma.

How to avoid hamstring injury

The best physiotherapist in Dwarka will always recommend the stretching of the hamstring muscles in a slow and delicate way until you feel a slight tension. Avoid practicing sports in excessively cold climates and apply heat to the hamstring muscles before performing a sports activity.

One of the most effective exercises in the prevention of hamstring injuries is the one known as Nordic Hamstring:

The injuries of the hamstring muscles are dreaded, complex and long and difficult recovery pathologies.