back pain treatment
April 24, 2020
back pain treatment

Causes of Back Pain

Have you noticed back pain lately?

There are many people who experience back pain during or at the end of the day. This may be due to some pathology or as a consequence of bad gestures and postures in the activities that are carried out daily at work or during sports.

We all have suffered back pain at some point and many times we do not know what causes it. The two most common types of pain are mechanical and inflammatory.

The data does not lie, and it is that according to statistics, 80% of people have suffered or will suffer from this pain at some point in their lives, in many cases becoming chronic.

What are the causes of back pain?

There are many factors that affect and cause back pain to appear, from poor posture or an inappropriate choice of footwear to even psychological and emotional causes.

Despite this, it is almost always associated with a spinal or joint injury due to spinal wear or osteoporosis. When vertebral scoliosis occurs (the spine is curved sideways), very painful muscle contractures can arise.

Types of back pain that exist

Mechanical back pain:

It is the most frequent pain, it is usually described as pulsating pain, it worsens with movement and is relieved with rest. Its cause is mainly a muscle strain or trauma, however, it is most appropriate to receive an accurate diagnosis by your physiotherapist in Dwarka as soon as possible.

Some of its characteristics are:

  • It can occur at any age
  • It is not usually accompanied by morning stiffness and if it does not exceed 30 minutes
  • Its most common cause is usually trauma

Inflammatory back pain:

About 1 in 20 people with chronic back pain is usually of inflammatory origin. There are various diseases that can cause this inflammation and therefore the appearance of pain, some of them quite complicated to diagnose. It is very important to see a physiotherapist in Janakpuri as soon as this pain persists for a long time.

Some characteristics of inflammatory pain:

  • Appears before the age of 40
  • It has a gradual start
  • Pain improves with physical activity
  • Pain does not improve with rest
  • It usually makes you wake up at night
  • Morning stiffness of more than 30 minutes
  • Continued pain of more than 3 months
  • Alternation of pain in the buttocks

The importance of treating back pain on time

The most important thing to keep in mind to treat back ailments is to see a physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka as soon as possible, since, if it takes a long time to treat, the discomfort usually increases over time and once it is established, it is difficult to reverse.
When acute back pain appears, it is usually first treated with pain relievers and muscle relaxants.

Later, when the muscles have relaxed, physiotherapy treatments are usually applied to lessen the pain and lessen the discomfort. It is also recommended to exercise regularly to avoid the risk of pain onset.